Parental & Caregiver Perspective on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
Published January 2023
Why Research on Parental Perspectives?
Parents are first-line defenders and educators of children and need the most support in order to improve safeguards for children to prevent child sexual abuse. With over 90% of abuse perpetrated by someone known and trusted by the child, and 80% of abuse occurring within the home of the child or perpetrator – it is very likely that parents already know their child’s abuser, who may be living with the same home.
What Was Studied?
Parents and caregivers were asked questions to gain perspective on how well they understand the issues of child sexual abuse (CSA), how much time they invest in learning, where they learn, and where would they like resources on abuse prevention to be shared in their community. Additionally, questions were asked of participants who identified themselves as survivors of child sexual abuse to gain perspective on their experience.
Parental & Caregiver Perspectives Report